Nagra – Zeitreise Zum Tiefenlager

Client: Nagra
Agency: Bellprat Associates AG
Creative Director: Ivan Engler,


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This project’s main purpose is to educate the user on the proposed building of a subterranean nuclear waste disposal facility and illustrate how this facility will impact the environment throughout time. For that purpose, we guide the user through the selection of the location, to the building of the facility and then the process of storing the materials all the way into the year 60k to study the long term impact.

We begin our journey in the welcome center of our Time Travelling Facility.
This area needed to have a futuristic quality to it, to make the illusion of time travel plausible.

To sell the illusion of modern day any-town Switzerland, we developed a massive landscape of 7km/sq. of rolling hills and scattered forests and placed them around a sprawling village that evolves and grows over time as the ride goes on. Though not visible in some of the shots, we included residential, industrial and recreational areas to the base layout of the village. The facility that is proposed demanded special attention as well since it is located next to a system of roads and railways. Research was undertaken to create a believable rail system complete with road crossings and electrical supply systems.

The following scenes take the user through the steps of preparing the materials for storage. From the arrival on the trains and subsequent unloading to the transfer to the processing center and transport and storage underground. For these scenes we had to closely work with the engineers working on this project to ensure maximum accuracy in the rooms and machinery depicted in these events.

The final chapter sees us travel 60 thousand years into the future and examining several possible scenarios that could happen. So we get to explore a jungle, cross a desert and a glacier and even visit a peaceful futuristic city. These one shot environments where a blast to create since we could focus on creating these mini-scenes that where contained.

Additional Credits
Programing: Brendan G Miles
Modeling: Robbie Müller
Characters: Adam Sacco
Tunnel FX: Casey Fulton